Configuring Parameter Values in the Distributor Portal

Configuration parameters need to be populated with correct values to ensure the proper functioning of the connector. In order to populate the configuration parameters with the correct values, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the CloudBlue Connect Distributor Portal.
  2. Click Products in the main menu at the top of the page and then select AWS.
  3. Click Configuration.
  4. Assign the proper value to each required parameter.

In the table below you can see a description of the parameters.

Parameter ID Description

Policy IDs which can be obtained by following the instructions provided in the AWS Management Console section. This value must be a string of IDs (separated by commas) of the AWS Service Control Policies.

Note: Please bear in mind that this feature will be available only for AWS Organizations with All Features enabled, as described in the AWS Management Console section.

awsApiMasterKey Provide the AWS Master API key which will be used in a production environment, which can be obtained by following the instructions provided in the AWS Management Console section.
awsApiMasterKey_TEST Provide the AWS Master API key which will be used in a test environment, which can be obtained by following the instructions provided in the AWS Management Console section.

This value is the AWS API Master Secret to be used in a production environment, which can be obtained by following the instructions provided in the AWS Management Console section.

The AWS API Master secret must be encrypted by using the following public key:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Note: The public key by itself cannot be used to decrypt the secret.

Please note that the version of the public key is "key_v1". This version has to be used when copying the value of the encrypted secret in the Connect configuration parameter as described below.

Use the following command to encrypt the AWS API Master secret with the provided public key:

echo -n $TOKEN_PLAIN_TEXT | openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey pbkey.pem | base64

The resulting value is a base64 string which you must use along with the private/public key pair version to construct a string with the following format: keyVersion:APIMasterSecretEncryptedWithPublicKey

For example:


Important: The output of the encryption command may generate the encrypted key with line breaks. Please note that the key must be entered in Connect without any line breaks or spaces. If it is pasted directly in Connect, the line breaks will be replaced by spaces. Please remove all the line breaks manually before pasting the key in Connect.

Finally, use the resulting string to configure the awsApiMasterSecret parameter.


This value is the AWS API Master Secret to be used in a test environment, which can be obtained by following the instructions provided in the AWS Management Console section.

The AWS API Master secret must be encrypted by using the following public key:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Note: The public key by itself cannot be used to decrypt the secret.

Please note that the version of the public key is "key_v1". This version has to be used when copying the value of the encrypted secret in the Connect configuration parameter as described below.

Use the following command to encrypt the AWS API Master secret with the provided public key:

echo -n $TOKEN_PLAIN_TEXT | openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey pbkey.pem | base64

The resulting value is a base64 string which you must use along with the private/public key pair version to construct a string with the following format: keyVersion:APIMasterSecretEncryptedWithPublicKey

For example:


Important: The output of the encryption command may generate the encrypted key with line breaks. Please note that the key must be entered in Connect without any line breaks or spaces. If it is pasted directly in Connect, the line breaks will be replaced by spaces. Please remove all the line breaks manually before pasting the key in Connect.

Finally, use the resulting string to configure the awsApiMasterSecret_TEST parameter.

awsMasterPayerId Provide the AWS Marketplace Master Payer ID to be used in a production environment, which can be obtained by following the instructions provided in the AWS Management Console section. The master Payer ID is the AWS account ID for the provider AWS account.
awsMasterPayerId_TEST Provide the AWS Marketplace Master Payer ID to be used in a test environment, which can be obtained by following the instructions provided in the AWS Management Console section.

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Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a production environment and allows you to specify the name of the Athena CUR (Cost and Usage Report). To configure this parameter, log in to the AWS Management Console and follow these steps:

  1. Type S3 in the search bar.

  2. Click the S3 bucket you created previously. For example:

  3. Click the cur/ object.

  4. Click the corresponding object.

  5. Click the Properties tab.

  6. Copy the Athena CUR name required to configure the awsAthenaCurName parameter in the Distributor Portal.

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Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a test environment and allows you to specify the name of the Athena CUR (Cost and Usage Report). To configure this parameter, follow the steps specified in the awsAthenaCurName parameter description.


Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a production environment and allows you to specify the S3 URI. To configure this parameter, log in to the AWS Management Console and follow these steps:

  1. Type S3 in the search bar.

  2. Click the S3 bucket you created previously. For example:

  3. Click the object stored in the S3 bucket. For example:

  4. Copy the S3 URI required to configure the awsS3Bucket parameter in the Distributor Portal. For example:

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Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a test environment and allows you to specify the S3 URI. To configure this parameter, follow the steps provided in the awsS3Bucket parameter description.


Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a production environment and allows you to specify the Athena database name. To configure this parameter, log in to the AWS Management Console and follow these steps:

  1. Type Athena in the search bar.

  2. Click Data sources.


  3. Click the catalog name.

  4. Copy the name of the database required to configure the awsAthenaDatabaseName parameter in the Distributor Portal. To find the database name, follow these steps:
    1. Go to Amathon Athena > Query Editor.

    2. Click the ellipsis icon next to Partitioned and then click View properties.

    3. The database and table names are displayed.


Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a test environment and allows you to specify the Athena database name. To configure this parameter, follow the steps provided in the awsAthenaDatabaseName parameter description.

Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a production environment and allows you to specify the Athena database table name. To configure this parameter, log in to the AWS Management Console and follow these steps:

  1. Type Athena in the search bar.

  2. Click Data sources.

  3. Click the catalog name.

  4. Copy the name of the database table required to configure the awsAthenaTableName parameter in the Distributor Portal.

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Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a test environment and allows you to specify the Athena database table name. To configure this parameter, follow the steps provided in the awsAthenaTableName parameter description.

Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section

This parameter will be used in a production environment and allows you to specify the Athena region. You can find the corresponding Athena region in the AWS Management Console, but the default value will be "us-east-1":


Note: Before configuring this parameter, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided in the Setting up Athena and Creating Cost Usage Reports in AWS section.

This parameter will be used in a test environment and allows you to specify Athena region. You can find the corresponding Athena region in the AWS Management Console, but the default value will be "us-east-1":

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fxRate Exchange rate to convert the currency of a specific marketplace to dollars (local tender to USD). For example: 0.72
mcoEnabled Configure this parameter to indicate if new orders wcustomMarkupMarketplaceill be integrated with the Multi-Cloud Orchestrator (MCO). Please refer to the following article for more information on MCO:

This parameter allows you to specify the markup multiplier that will be applied to all the services except for Marketplace services. For example: if the original price is 10 and you apply a 1.2 markup multiplier, the final price will be 12.

customMarkupMarketplace This parameter allows you to specify the markup multiplier that will be only applied to the Marketplace services. For example: if the original price is 10 and you apply a 1.2 markup multiplier, the final price will be 12.
organizationalUnitEnabled This parameters allows you to specify if customer accounts will be created under a specific organizational unit. If this is the case, set this marketplace configuration parameter to Yes. For further information, refer to the FAQs section.
organizationalUnitId This parameter allows you to specify the ID of the Organizational Unit under which customer accounts will be created. For further information, refer to the FAQs section.

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catchAllDomain Please provide the domain which will be used in a production environment to generate the email addresses for the new AWS accounts.
catchAllDomain_TEST Please provide the domain which will be used in a test environment to generate the email addresses for the new AWS accounts.